Southwest Atlanta Property Management Solutions
The neighborhood of Southwest is located in Atlanta, Georgia. Southwest has a population of 6,778 residents. The neighborhood resides in a county called Fulton County. Southwest has a suburban feeling to it, and a large portion of the residents choose to rent their homes. The neighborhood is filled with parks, shopping centers, and plenty of entertainment. Southwest has a lot of families that live there. Most of the citizens of the neighborhood would consider themselves to be liberal. The neighborhood is fairly safe. The residents of the neighborhood like the diverse feel in terms of race and age.
Investing in Southwest Atlanta Rentals
Investing in local real estate is becoming more and more feasible for those looking to make a second income. Investing in real estate gives you the option to make a passive income in order to build your assets. If you are passionate about the neighborhood that you live in, or passionate about another neighborhood, investing may be an enjoyable thing to pick up.
There are also other benefits to investing. For one, there are massive tax benefits involved with investing. You are not taxed for your property, and in certain cases, the government may even reward property owners with money. In terms of investing in property, you have control over your investments versus a stock investment. This puts most people at ease when they begin to invest.
Southwest Atlanta Rental is a great choice for investment because of the charm that the neighborhood has to offer. There are great schools, nightlife, and the overall environment is beautiful. This makes it very marketable for anyone looking to add to their existing investments or to buy their first one.
Partner with a Southwest Property Management Tream
If you are looking to invest in this neighborhood, or even other neighborhoods in the area, Citiside Property Management is the company for you. Our staff is very experienced, and well versed in the field of investment. We specialize in investing within local neighborhoods, and we can provide you with the experience and guidance that is needed.
We also offer a variety of marketing packages to ensure that every investor is getting their needs met. Reach out today to get started.
Ready to find out more?
Call Citiside Property Management today for a free quote!
Overview of Comprehensive Property Management Solutions
Our Portfolio Averages Speak Volumes
We follow our proven process to track KPI's (key performance metrics) to optimize your return on investment. See some of the KPI's measured and Citiside's current Portfolio Wide Averages:
(Emergency and Non-emergency)
"Citiside has managed my portfolio of originally 45+ rental properties for over 8 years. They turned around the portfolio entirely from one that was losing money and poorly managed to one that produced substantial cash flow. I cannot recommend them highly enough."
- Dean L., Satsified Client
"Citiside manages my multifamily properties and a handful of homes in and around Atlanta. They are professional, responsive, and transparent. They are good about documenting everything - maintenance reports are detailed with photos - leasing reports with # of showings, applications,etc... They are trustworthy group that not only understand property management but investment objectives. I highly recommed.""
- Eric H., Satisfied Client
Why Choose Citiside?
Learn what sets us apart.
We Understand Investment Objectives
Citiside was built upon the experiences of buying distressed real estate, fixing, and renting hundreds of homes and apartments in and around Atlanta as a principle. We specialize in B/C investment property and feel we have the experience to help investors maximize portfolio ROI.
Let Us Be Your Shield
The majority of our clients are looking for a licensed team that understands Georgia Law and shields owners from unnecessary liability. We live in a sue-happy world and we constantly work on our policy/procedures to always comply. Secondly, through experience, we shield from price gouging when it comes to repairs. We aim to treat tenants like gold, always being fair, but at the same time, never overpay or have unnecessary repair expenses.
It's your property, you should know everything that is happening! We use the latest and greatest technology that really helps clients see everything; from before and after pictures of repairs, number of property showing with feedback, and every report you can think of.....our goal is to never leave our clients or tenants in the dark but be 100% transparent at all times.